The Pedowitz Group

Discovery Assessments

{{Client}} is embarking on an exciting account and customer focused strategy with The Pedowitz Group, and you are invited to participate!

Begin Assessment
To be successfull, new programs and initiatives require firm foundations across many parts of an organization. To help prepare for change, please assess the current capabilities of the business units that you are most familiar with. Your input will be used to design an effective roadmap for change. Thanks for your time!

Discovery Assessments

This survey contains several modules asking about your organization's marketing and sales practices.
At the top of most sections, you'll be asked if you have knowledge of that area. If not, you can skip to the next section.
Most sections consist of a series of statements. Think about the business unit you are most closely associated with, then select the response that best indicates your level of agreement. In some case you may be asked to enter clarifying comments.

Discovery Assessments

Please select the modules you are qualified to address: